customer Mark Stevenson recently used Super Alloy 1 multi-metal solder and a propane torch to repair a zinc crucifix statue and shared this photo testimonial.

As you can see, the crucifix suffered extensive damage to its arms, feet, wrists, and fingers. Luckily, Mark found the right tool to repair and restore this work of art.

Super Alloy 1 is a simple-to-use solder that not only bonds to zinc, but also copper, brass, bronze, steel, galvanized metals, spelter, Zamak, pewter, lead, extruded or thin aluminum, pot metal, and die-cast in any combination. This low temperature alloy can be used to repair zinc statues of all sizes and thicknesses. For this repair, we recommend using a propane or MAPP gas canister with our Bernzomatic torch, as the zinc statue is quite large.

  1. If the torch cannot bring the parent metal to the 350°F working temperature, the rod will not flow or bond properly
  2. If you only have oxyacetylene available, turn the oxygen down and use a reducing/carburizing flame to avoid overheating the zinc

The Super Alloy 1 repair kit is a rod and flux combo that work synergistically to create strong, low temperature bonds. The flux performs two basic tasks: helps the alloy adhere to the zinc, and acts as a temperature guide, transforming from a golden color to root beer brown color when the parent metal reaches the working temperature.

Simply pre-clean the zinc statue thoroughly with a wire brush or Dremel tool, broadly heat the zinc, apply the flux by dipping the rod into the flux bottle, watch the flux, and apply the rod when you see the color change.

If the flux turns black, remove it with warm water and a wire brush and begin your statue repair again. (The same technique may be used to remove excess flux post-repair)


  • When working on a section with more design, if you need a thinner rod simply thin the solder by flattening it with a hammer
  • Super Alloy 1 is available in two diameters–3/32″ and 1/8″. The 1/8″ diameter fills and builds better on large statues due to the thickness
  • You may need to use an old butter knife, flat head screwdriver, or a stainless steel spatula, when working on large zinc repair projects (as Mark and the guys are here) to shape and contour. Just pour some flux onto a plate, use the spatula to grab the flux, then heat the back of the spatula while shaping the molten alloy.
  • We recommend pre-cleaning each area just prior to repairing that section, rather than cleaning all broken areas at once. Zinc oxidizes quickly, so it is imperative to remove impurities within 30 minutes of beginning each area of the statue to ensure proper bonding.

MuggyWeld would like to thank Mark Stevenson for sending in his photo testimonial.

If you have a photo or video testimonial you’d like to share with our viewers, please use the contact link in the top menu bar to send us an email.


NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.

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