How to Repair a Punctured Aluminum Radiator with Super Alloy 1

We punctured a hole in an aluminum radiator to demonstrate how to repair a punctured radiator with Super Alloy 1 low temperature solder and a propane torch.

A Dremel tool was used to pre-clean the area prior to making the repair.  This step is essential to ensure proper a proper bond between the filler rod and the punctured aluminum radiator.  A sandblaster, wire wheel, sandpaper etc may also be used to preclean the radiator.

Super Alloy 1 repair kit contains:  low temperature solder rods and a bottle of liquid flux.   The rod and flux work synergystically at 350°F to both facilitate the flow of the alloy and seal the puncture completely.  This radiator repair solution is ideal for applications that require a clean aesthetic, or when high heat may be problematic.  Super Alloy 1 is available in 1/8 diameter and 3/32 diameter rods.

Prior to soldering, be sure to clean the repair area with a Dremel tool to ensure a proper bond, as shown.

Next, apply the flux.  Dip the rod in the flux and paint it liberally on the repair area.

Begin to broadly heat the punctured radiator to gradually bring the aluminum to the proper working temperature.  The flux will change to a root beer brown color when it’s time to add the repair rod.

Apply the rod, continuing to broadly heat the punctured radiator.  Be sure not to directly heat the metal or hold the torch steady, as this may cause the aluminum radiator to overheat and melt.

Remove the flux with water and a wire brush and the end result is a repair that is 30,000 psi–in a matter of minutes, with pennies of material.

NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.


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