How to Repair a 1967 Ford Mustang Hood Molding

A 1967 Ford Mustang aluminum hood molding is repaired with Super Alloy 5 1/16″ diameter rod and a propane torch.  The molding was broken in half and extremely thin, which is why we chose a small diameter rod and lower temperature torch.

In this instructional video, learn the correct brazing technique for Super Alloy 5 applications, as well as troubleshooting some common mistakes MuggyWeld customers may encounter while using Super Alloy 5.

Begin by broadly heating the aluminum hood molding with the torch. Be sure to keep the flame moving to avoid overheating and melting the aluminum part.

Next, dip the rod into the flux to adhere the flux to the rod, then apply the flux to the work area.  Super Alloy 5’s amazing flux not only functions as a temperature guide, it also cleans the aluminum and removes oxidation–even through paint, oil, dirt or grease.

Continue to broadly heat the parent metal and watch the flux.  Super Alloy 5’s unique powder flux is specially designed to transform from powdery yellow to translucent and watery when the parent metal has reached the 600°F working temperature.

Apply the aluminum rod, add additional flux, and keep the torch moving to flow the rod into the broken aluminum hood molding.

Alternate flux and rod application until the entire crack is filled, front and back.  In addition to filling cracks, Super Alloy 5 can be used to bridge gaps, it flows like silver solder through tight-fitting joints, builds up missing sections, and produces corrosion-resistant smooth finished welds.

When the aluminum hood repair is complete simply remove the excess flux with a wire brush and warm water.  Notice Super Alloy 5’s perfect color match with the aluminum.   And this bond is strong—30,000 psi!

This aluminum hood molding is can now be bent, drilled, machined, or plated.

Super Alloy 5 is an all-position aluminum repair rod that can be used to braze or solder aluminum, and may even be used as a TIG rod.



NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.


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