How to Weld a Case Backhoe Cast Iron Front Axle with 77 Electrode

Customer testimonial from Richard Nicholas Jr.:

I recently purchased this 1986 Case 580 E. Good shape, except for the kingpins. The kingpin bearings were gone, and the pins had worn into the axle. I could not get the kingpins out, so I cut them with a friction saw, then put the spindle into a press with heat. Had to fill in the wear and build up the axle,I did not fill it in all the way to the outside because the bearing is not that wide and the rods are not cheap.

A groove was cut with a Dremel for the snap ring. I only have an AC arc welder, the rods worked very well and machined easily and I’m very happy with the results.

The front axle is as good as new. Thank you very much for your 77 arc rods.

Richard Nicholas Jr.

Thank you, Richard, for sharing your success story.

77 welds a variety of cast irons and is an ideal solution for trucking and maintenance applications. Softer than standard nickel rods, 77 cast iron electrodes elongate and stretch up to 300% to produce porosity free, strong, non-cracking welds — without preheating or specially cooling the cast iron. 77 is an all-position rod, it can even be used overhead.

Recommended for:

For burnt or heat-affected cast iron, first use 72 Electrode to anchor into the dirty cast iron, sealing in the contaminates, then finish the repair with 77.

Always bevel the cast iron prior to welding, to increase the bond of the cast iron welding rod.


NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.

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