Welding aluminum air conditioning fittings with Super Alloy 5 aluminum welding, brazing, and soldering rod

Now you too can repair aluminum air conditioning fittings using the same material thousands of auto repair shops and auto air conditioning shops rely on daily. It is no longer necessary to wait up to a month for replacement parts for your air conditioning system. Super Alloy 5 aluminum welding, brazing, and soldering kit is a quick, inexpensive solution to all your air conditioning problems, enabling anyone to make aluminum repairs with a propane torch.

First, join the parts and create a seam.  No need to clean the aluminum prior to welding, Super Alloy 5’s flux removes all impurities.

To apply, dip a gently warmed rod into flux jar to adhere flux to welding rod, then apply liberally to joint.

To avoid overheating the thin aluminum, always keep the heat continually moving.  Do not remove the torch, however, as doing so will cause the aluminum temperature to drop rapidly.  If this happens, simply start the pre-heat process once again.

Broadly heat the aluminum and concentrate the heat on the larger air conditioning fitting (larger aluminum pieces require more heat to bring them to the proper working temperature at the same time).

When the flux becomes thin and watery, it’s time to lay the rod in at the joint.  Keep the torch moving, the rod will follow the heat.  Apply more flux as necessary.

If the rod balls up, the parent metal is too cool and you’ll need to heat it to 600°F to achieve proper flow.

Excess flux can be removed with warm water and an abrasive, after allowing the joined fittings to cool naturally.

Super Alloy 5 is an all-position welding rod that can be applied with nearly any torch.  Useful for air conditioning, cast aluminum, aluminum boats and more!


NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.



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