How to replace a missing pot metal piece with Super Alloy 1

Pot metal (sometimes referred to as “zinc die cast” or “white metal” or “monkey metal”) is an alloy composed of many different metals including aluminum, copper and zinc.  It is an inexpensive metal used in many cast and antique products, and has a low melting temperature of just 786°F.

Super Alloy 1 is an ideal solution for repairing and joining broken pot metal pieces.  In this video demonstration, a pot metal tail light bezel has been broken in two pieces and is joined with Super Alloy 1, a propane torch, and Heat Freeze Heat Absorption Paste (formerly Cool Blue).

Note:  If you intend on re-chroming your pot metal part, be sure to take the piece to a plating shop to strip it to bare pot metal prior to soldering.

We begin by clamping the broken pieces together, then apply Super Alloy 1 rod and flux.   Preheating the part is important–it enables the parent metal to melt the low temperature solder.  Dip the rod into the flux and apply the flux to the preheated part, then apply the rod.  Adding additional flux will “flow out” the rod and flatten it into place.

After joining one side of the broken pot metal with Super Alloy 1, Heat Freeze is applied to protect the solder from re-melting while joining the second side of the broken part.



  •  Always use adequate Heat Freeze to ensure the part is fully protected
  •  Allow the part to cool completely before removing Heat Freeze
  •  For best results, add a small amount of water to Heat Freeze when necessary to keep moist
  •  Allow adequate space between Heat Freeze and the area to be welded
  •  Use gloves to apply Heat Freeze and wash hands after handling


NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.

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