How to Repair a YFM 660 Grizzly Yamaha 2000 ATV Radiator

This YFM 660 Grizzly Yamaha 2000 ATV radiator had a sizeable puncture in the aluminum.  To make the repair, we utilized Super Alloy 5 aluminum rod and flux kit and an oxyacetylene torch.

Super Alloy 5 is an all-position rod–if you can access the damaged area with a torch, you can make the repair without removing the radiator from the ATV.   For this video, we applied Super Alloy 5 in the vertical position.

Broadly heat the work area to gradually bring the aluminum to the 600°F working temperature.

Dip the rod into the flux and apply the flux to the work area.  Continue to move the torch to avoid overheating the aluminum, and carefully observe the flux.  Super Alloy 5’s flux changes from powder to liquid when the parent metal reaches 600°F, indicating it’s time to add the filler rod.  This powder flux also pre-cleans the metal, removing dirt, oil, grease and other impurities to create a strong bond between the parent metal and filler rod (30,000 psi)  The more flux you add, the better the rod will flow.

Build the rod onto itself, bridging the gap to fill the hole.  Remember the technique:  rod, flux, keep heat moving

We used oxyacetylene for this application (due to the size of the aluminum radiator) but any torch can be used for most small, thin aluminum projects:  propane, MAPP, oxy-MAPP etc.   Aluminum boats, cast aluminum, large aluminum or thick aluminum will require an oxyacetylene torch to achieve the proper working temperature.  If your rod balls up and does not flow, this is an indication that the parent metal is not at the proper 600°F working temperature.  Remove the flux with a wire brush and warm water and begin again.


NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.

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