How to TIG weld a VW Bug Door Panel with Heat Freeze Heat Sink

Oftentimes it is necessary to braze, solder or weld near heat sensitive areas or materials. Without the proper tools, the only solution may be costly and time consuming disassembly/reassembly to protect heat sensitive parts.

For this video, we return to Resurrection Auto Body in Olympia, WA to film Jim repairing holes in thin door panels of a Volkswagen Bug using TIG welding.

Jim wanted to test the heat protecting capabilities of Heat Freeze, so he applied the heat absorption paste to one steel door panel hole and left one hole unprotected. After TIG welding both door panel areas, Jim explains that the heat affected zone on the first weld area is much smaller than the second weld area, even though the first hole was larger and the second was the size of a pinhole. And the Heat Freeze protected area showed less door panel warpage.

Troubleshooting tip: while TIG welding one area of the VW Bug door panel, they accidentally positioned the heat absorption paste a little too close to the hole. Heat Freeze pulled so much heat, it caused the weld to fail!

It was a simple fix–they removed the Heat Freeze, repositioning the paste to allow more space between the Heat Freeze and the area to be welded on the door panel.

After completing the door panel repair, allow the weld to cool naturally, then remove Heat Freeze and return it to the jar. If Heat Freeze begins to dry out, add more water and mix it to rehydrate the all-natural heat absorption putty. (Use gloves when touching Heat Freeze directly)

For Jim’s application, Heat Freeze concentrated the heat of the TIG welder, allowing for less warpage and heat affected area and a cleaner finished door panel repair.

Heat Freeze can be used in any position and can be applied to many surfaces: paint, rubber, metal, chrome, glass, plastic, wood, vinyl, previously welded/soldered areas. It can even be used as a jig in jewelry repair and jewelry applications.

Note:  Please observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.

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