Muggy Weld Aluminum Boat Repair Kit is the ideal solution to all your aluminum boat repair needs.  This repair kit includes 18″ aluminum welding alloy rods and jar of powdered flux, and can be applied with any oxygen fueled torch system.

Note: propane flames burn at 3,630°F, oxy-propane flames burn at 4,530°F, and oxyacetylene flames burn at 6,330°F. When working on large masses of aluminum, an oxygen fueled torch is required to allow the parent metal to reach the proper working temperature. If you do not have an oxyacetylene torch, an oxy-MAPP torch can be used:


Aluminum is a non-ferrous metal with a melting point of 1215°F.  It is lightweight, strong, and corrosion-resistant–making it an ideal material for boat construction.  Unfortunately, aluminum boats frequently experience cracks, tears, split seams, and leaky rivets while in use.  Many welders won’t attempt to repair aluminum boats because welding aluminum can be a bit temperamental.  Aluminum does not change color as it heats, so it is very easy to overheat and melt holes in the aluminum boat if there’s no temperature guide to determine the parent metal temperature.

Super Alloy 5 aluminum boat repair kit solves this problem.  Super Alloy 5’s unique powder flux not only cleans the base metal and removes impurities, it also acts as a temperature guide.  Simply watch the flux as it transforms from powder to liquid, indicating that the aluminum has reached 600°F and it’s time to apply the aluminum brazing rod.

In this aluminum boat repair video, we utilized Super Alloy 5 in 1/16″ diameter and an oxyacetylene torch with size 1 brazing tip.  As you can see, the aluminum boat has a large dent in need of repair. For this application, we recommend a carburizing flame to avoid overheating the thin aluminum parent metal.

The technique highlighted in this video is an aluminum brazing application. Brazing has many advantages over welding: aluminum brazing equipment is inexpensive and portable, no special skills are needed (simply follow the instructions shown in this and other videos), aluminum boat repairs are made quickly and without disassembly, and the resulting bond is a permanent solution for many aluminum boat problems.

Super Alloy 5 is effective for building up and filling holes, dents, voids, pits, porosity, low spots and other damage to aluminum boats.  It’s the only aluminum boat repair kit you need for all your aluminum boat repairs.


NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.


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