Aluminum boats can experience multiple problems resulting from corrosion, collisions or impact, and just general wear and tear. Any aluminum boat owner needs to be prepared for these kinds of problems. But welding and brazing with Super Alloy 5 make it easy to tackle any repair issue that you might have and DIY the repair on your own. Even beginners can pick up the use of Super Alloy 5, which can help to fix holes and other problems with ease, even if you accidentally burn a hole in your boat while trying to make repairs. Using Super Alloy 5 rod and flux, you can create a perfect, watertight seal on your repairs, so you’re ready to get your aluminum boat back into the water again.

Instead of relying on quick fixes that won’t last when you have issues with your aluminum boat, using our products designed especially for welding and brazing aluminum. Along with the rod, our Super Alloy 5 powder flux removes surface contaminants and works as a temperature guide. Watch our aluminum boat videos to learn more about the easy technique that you can use to carry out aluminum boat repairs using Super Alloy 5.

Aluminum boat repair is quick and easy when you use Super Alloy 5. In the video above, first-time customer Steve uses Super Alloy 5 to repair holes in an aluminum boat that has been corroded by seawater. He uses an oxyacetylene torch to quickly fix the holes, creating a strong repair that will last for life. To make this type of repair, set the acetylene to 5 PSI and the oxygen to 15 to 20. Make sure to keep your flame moving when working on thin aluminum to avoid blowing a hole through the material. If you do make a mistake, the hole can be closed up, but you’ll save time if you don’t need to make extra repairs.

First, clean the aluminum to conserve flux. Heat the surrounding area and then add flux, keeping the flux as close to the boat as you can. This is so you never remove heat from the aluminum, which dissipates heat quickly. If you remove the torch from the parent metal for too long, the temperature will drop below the 600-degree working temperature required. If the rod balls up, it means the parent metal isn’t hot enough.

The video shows one of the methods of aluminum boat repair when you have a hole. You can work around the hole and slowly fill it in until everything is sealed. Another option is to use short pieces of rod across the hole to build a bridge and then heat to bring it all together. Backing the hole with a steel plate can make it easier too.

After bridging your hole, you can flatten it out. Heat the Super Alloy 5 then add flux to pull the rod together to ensure a watertight finish. You can then sand down the metal after repair for a neat finish.




NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.


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