How to Solder Zinc Die Cast at 350°F with Muggy Weld Super Alloy 1 Solder and Flux

Zinc die cast is an inexpensive alloy used in many manufacturing applications, due to its corrosion resistance, high strength, electrical conductivity, and thermal conductivity.  Zinc die cast is also sometimes referred to as Zamak.

In this instructional video, learn how to solder zinc die cast parts quickly and easily with Super Alloy 1.  While zinc die cast can be difficult to solder due to its low melting temperature of 786°F, Super Alloy 1 has a working temperature of 350°F, making it the ideal solution for soldering or brazing zinc die cast parts–with any torch:  propane, MAPP gas, butane, acetylene, oxyacetylene, or even a heat gun.  And Super Alloy 1’s unique liquid flux acts a visual temperature guide, changing from honey colored to root beer brown when the parent metal has reached the proper working temperature, eliminating worries about overheating or warping the zinc die cast.

Super Alloy 1 also bonds pewter, pot metal, white metal, monkey metal, stainless, bronze, steel, aluminum, brass, and copper–individually or together in any combination.  This one rod is a must have for every toolbox.

A few things to remember:

Pre-clean the zinc die cast prior to beginning the solder process ( solder within 30 minutes) with sandpaper, a wire brush, or a Dremel tool.  Pre-cleaning is necessary to remove oxidation and allow the filler rod to properly bond to the base metal.

Next, broadly heat the base metal, being careful to keep the torch moving with indirect heat.  Dip the rod into the flux and apply liberally to the zinc die cast.

Heat the base metal from all directions and do not heat the flux directly (which may burn the flux, turning it black.  If this happens, simply clean the burnt flux off with warm water and a wire brush and begin again)

When you notice the flux transformation, add the rod directly to the joint and continue to indirectly heat.  Super Alloy 1’s flux will draw the rod to the joint, front and back.

Allow the zinc die cast to cool naturally, then remove excess flux with a wire brush and warm water.  That’s it.  In a matter of minutes, this zinc die cast repair is complete.



NotePlease observe all AWS Safety & Health Guidelines when using Muggy Weld products.

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