Repair Airsoft Guns with SSF-6 Silver Solder: DIY Guide
How to Repair Airsoft Guns with SSF-6 Silver Solder Muggy Weld is pleased to offer this DIY guide to repair Airsoft guns. Airsoft guns are imitation firearms used in team-based, military-style battles. Often, Airsoft guns experience wear and tear or damage, and...
ProTips: Production vs Maintenance Welding
Maintenance welding is an in-demand job that is involved in nearly all types of construction work. It's a profession that requires patience, training, and extensive skill to succeed. In the United States, welding jobs and similar jobs are growing with the national...
15 Tools for the Essential Welding Toolbox
The success or failure of many welding projects may be directly connected to the contents of the welder’s toolbox. Welding is a difficult task that requires precision, focus, and skill. In a professional setting, it can be dangerous and may necessitate working in...
How to Eliminate Metal Warpage in Maintenance Welding
Are you planning to repair or maintain a piece of metal equipment and would like to know how to prevent the metal parts from warping when welding them? This is a question we often get at Muggy Weld. After all, the distortion welding metal can create is not...
4 Key Types of Metals and Their Industrial Uses
4 Key Metal Types and Their Industrial Uses When it comes to welding, knowing your types of metals is essential. In this blog post, you can learn everything you need to know about 4 key metal types and their industrial uses. Steel First up on our list is steel,...
Welding Techniques: Intermittent, Stitch, Backstep and More!
Whether it’s for DIY home maintenance or car repairs, welding is one of the most useful skills to have in your back pocket. When beginning your welding journey, it’s not just about having access to equipment; understanding basic welding techniques and their...
Aluminum Repair Rods: Comparing Super Alloy 1 and Super Alloy 5
Here at Muggy Weld, we sell two different aluminum repair rods - the Super Alloy 1 and Super Alloy 5 varieties. They are both great products but it’s important to know that they are designed and suited for different use cases and practical applications. As...
How to Repair Heavy Machinery on the Jobsite
Repair Heavy Machinery to Save Time and Money Operating heavy machinery is a difficult thing to do. Repairing broken machinery is even harder. Construction sites are perhaps the busiest and noisiest place on the planet. With so many people working together on a single...
Manifold Repair Made Easy: How to Weld or Braze an Exhaust Manifold
Manifold Repair Tips A vehicle’s exhaust manifold is designed to pull combusted gases (exhaust) away from the engine. These combusted gases are extremely hot, and the high temperatures cause the metal manifold to expand. Then, when the car is not running, the...
Aerospace Welding and Brazing Applications
Aerospace welding and brazing is a rapidly growing technical industry. Over the last century, the aerospace industry has enjoyed a brisk transformation. From those early days of flight, we are now able to traverse the globe with ease, with commercial flights something...
Vintage Car Restoration: Classic Cars, Muscle Cars, and Antique Autos
The past is calling. Which classic cars are you driving? Vintage car restoration is booming. American-made Hot Rods, Muscle Cars, and Antique Autos usually find their way to collectors and car shows. More people are seeking antique cars and restoring them to how they...
The History and Future of Welding Robots
The History and Future of Welding Robots History - it's a beautiful thing. It teaches us about the past and helps us understand our future. It speaks to our own personal experiences. It gives us a sense of our place in time and helps determine where we want to go...
Silversmithing Tips: Soldering Kits for Hobbymaking
Silversmithing Tips: A Guide to Utilizing Solder in Hobby-Making Silversmithing with solder is a common technique used in many home hobbies. Whether creating stained glass, jewelry, ornamental art, or restoring a classic car, here are some silversmithing tips to help...
Welding Certification Guide | How to Get Certified
Welding Certification Process in the United States From pipelines to bridges, to skyscrapers and naval ships, welders are an essential piece of the puzzle when it comes to the creation of magnificent structures. They are the people who make sure that these designs are...
Aluminum Boat Maintenance Tips | DIY Techniques
Spring lets you live life to the fullest! Conquering the waters with your boat is just another blessing of spring. But after sitting idle throughout the long winter, your boat demands some attention, especially if the boat is made of aluminum. Aluminum boat...
9 Weld Types Explained | Refresh Your Technique Knowledge
9 Weld Types As a welder, your performance can be greatly improved, as well as your ability to troubleshoot any, if not all, welding problems, through a knowledge refresher and a further deepening of your understanding of welds applied to joint designs. And, while...
Repair a Cracked Engine Block with Muggy Weld
How to Repair a Cracked Engine Block As you can imagine, a frozen or cracked engine block is an issue of serious concern. While many car owners might believe the best course of action is to sell the vehicle, it does not have to come to that, provided you address the...
Learn Proper Metal Preparation for Welding Applications
Whenever you’re looking to weld, braze, or solder something, your metal preparation for welding should always be top priority. Proper metal preparation will allow you to get the job done safely and efficiently – giving you the best possible results. So many welders,...
How to Choose a Welding School in 2025
Whether you're looking to start a welding career or you want to improve your skills as a welder, you'll likely want to go to a welding school. However, choosing a welding school can be a difficult decision. With so many schools out there, it is hard to know where to...
Troubleshooting Brazing and Soldering Techniques
Troubleshooting Common Brazing Problems There are several courses, certifications, and training guides available to optimize the brazing and soldering processes. But as stringent as these skills and core knowledge may be to position welders for success, mistakes do...
Working with Copper: the Metal of Love
Working with Copper, the Metal of Love Copper is the metal of love. The soft red-brown to a dark brick red metal ore naturally conducts heat and radiates luxury. The bright shiny transition of alloy and tin can stimulate love energy flow and address imbalances....
How to Gas Weld Aluminum: A Beginner’s Guide
Learning how to gas weld aluminum is a valuable skill set utilized by many industries. Aluminum is one of the most flexible, light, and corrosion-resistant metals in the world, so it stands to reason why it is used in just about every scenario where ductile...
The Differences Between AC and DC Welding
AC DC Welding Difference Not sure what’s the difference between AC and DC welding? Electricity flows either in an alternating or direct current. The difference between AC and DC polarity is how electrons move through a conductor. The strength and quality of the weld...
Flat, Horizontal, Vertical And Overhead Welding Positions Explained
Welding Positions Explained At MuggyWeld, we know that a welding position is a technique that permits a qualified and experienced welder to join metals in the position in which they are found, or the position in which a specific component will be used. We also know...
How to Choose an Arc Welder/Welding Machine
What is Arc Welding? Perfect for at-home repairs and maintenance, arc welding is a technique used to bond metal joints for a strong and durable finish. Arc welding machines work by generating heat that creates an electric arc between the welding site and an...