Plumbing Repair Welding
As winter arrives in the USA, and brings with it freezing temperatures that cause water within your pipes to freeze mid-flow and other related problems, it’s time to know the different problems that can happen with plumbing and pipes, and to discuss plumbing repair welding.
At MuggyWeld, as experts in plumbing repair welding solutions, we know all too well how residences, guesthouses, and offices’ plumbing structures and pipes suffer during these colder months. And while there are many preventative measures you can undertake to prevent pipe damage, leaks, and breakage, some plumbing and pipe problems are unavoidable and inevitable. With this in mind, let us help you to be able to identify different pipe and plumbing problems.
Plumbing And Pipe Problems Which Happen During Winter
The winter cold sees many hot showers and baths taking place. However, should you experience frozen jet well pumps, expect to see no hot water running from your taps. Residences and guesthouses making use of shallow private wells to supply their property with water can sometimes experience pipe freeze and water flow stoppage. Even worse, water heater troubles, with excess hot baths and showers during the cold days of winter, can make it difficult for your water heater to keep up with this excessive demand, leading to damage and replacement of the heater and pipe and plumbing structure.
And, no water to the home is just about as bad as frozen septic lines and tanks. Poorly protected septic links are certainly exposed to freezing cold weather. The main line to the septic tank freezes and the home drainage system stops working. Full septic tanks in freezing cold temperatures can also see their content frozen as well. Speaking of drainage systems, in very cold weather, outdoor drains tend to freeze up which causes drain damage and breakage. Due to continual expansion and contracting, cracks can easily start to appear.
Busy septic tanks are as preoccupied as kitchen drains. As we all know, winter months bring the need for more food, hot soups, and body-warming meals. With busy kitchens, expect busier sinks and more food sent down the garbage disposal and drains. This could lead to plumbing problems and drain clogs. Along with clogged drains, frozen indoor pipes are a common occurrence during winter. As we are sure you all already know, water supply pipes in the home easily freeze when the temperature drops. Especially vulnerable to pipe freezing are uninsulated areas and those pipes situated along exterior walls. And now we get to the problem of frozen outdoor pipes. These pipes are often left unused during winter and left with poor winterized preparation, leading to pipe bursts.
Preventative Action
While there are many other winter pipe and plumbing problems experienced, the cold weather will come and we will all have to take immediate action. However, let’s be proactive! We recommend copper pipes as they do not expand and contract and are rust-proof.
To prevent potential frozen and burst pipes, we recommend:
- Keep faucets running during winter months. It is much harder for pipes to freeze if the water is continually flowing
- Wrap tanks and plumbing lines with insulation
- Set home thermostat no lower than 60℉
Unfortunately, sometimes even the best efforts are inefficient and winter pipe damage may occur. In this event, we offer MuggyWeld plumbing repair welding solutions. Our SSF-6 Silver Solder Rods and SSQ-6 Silver Solder Paste can alleviate many plumbing and pipe issues for copper pipes. Should you require any other information about pipe winter prep and welding proactivity, speak to our team today!